it has been a while since I last posted on my blog. It is just because so much (or so little) has happened in my life that I have't found the energy to write here about it. It all started at Ostara and now, finally I can write about my transformation inside and out. For starters, I am no longer a victim.
I was a victim by myself kept hostige in a body that wasn't mine. Because I had body issues that great it stopped me from being myself and doing what I wanted to do. It cost me a lot of years to except that it is just me and it won't change doing nothing. So yes, I finally started bellydancing, going to friends, going to festivals, flirt etc. I even plan to go on 2!! tours with student orchestra's who asked ME to go with them.
On the inside a lot changed. I am not scared anymore to be myself. I found my own power and know my strengths as well as my weaknessess (it took me a burn-out to get there). I changed directions in my religious observance and now I am able to PROUDLY say that Asatru is my path at the moment (no one knows what will change ;)). And although that has been a big step I am a sister of CiL wich means that I am a headcovering pagan too (more about the why in another post). I started covering at Ostara and haven't taken of the veil ever since and yes, that makes me stronger and proud of myself.
I will be writing more on my experiences as a headcovering heathen in a christian dominated world (yes, that can be funny :D). So more to come soon!!!