It has been a while since I posted on this weblog. My little chicklings aren't little anymore and finally have flown away. The weather has changed too so now it is getting much colder and the harvest storms have left the country.
I am truying to get to know myself spiritually again. I have been a wiccan for over 10 years but it doesn't fit me anymore. I don't want a complicated religion with many rules. I want a religion that I understand and I can fit myself into and which I can fit around me. I am looking in all different directions (no, christianity isn't it ;)). I found some stuff about my old dutch heritage and the old religions of my land. I don't know what to do with this knowledge. I am looking into it and it scares me a little but also feels completely okay. It is more the stigma other people have with this path. I am talking about Asatru.
Asatru is a pagan religion and why of life that is based on the old ways of the Noreman and the old western european religion with some local Gods and Goddesses but also a rich pantheon. I am talking about Thor, Wodan and Frya (to call some). I am especially drawn to the local dutch Goddess Nehalennia who is the Goddess of water and earth (a big dutch theme because living with and "fearing" both is part of being dutch ;)).
My problem with Asatru is that during WWII some germans used this religion to explain why they were superior. They started to use symbols which are still used by the neo-nazi's. Don't get me wrong I am REALLY not a nazi. I know the base of this religion is ok but is based on the Edda (bloody stories about the Gods and the three of life ;)). So I don't know what to do :(. Any insides to given me???

zondag 27 november 2011
donderdag 3 november 2011
Bizar body :s
I have had problems with my lungs for some time now. I have been coughing my lungs out of my body, and haven't been able to walk a stair for quit some time. My doctor wanted to know if I had an infection in my sinusses so last week I had to let them take a X-ray of my head (yes, I do have brains). Today my doctor called me to tell me the results. It seems to be absolutely impossible for me to get sinusitis because..... I don't have any..... I just started laughing real hard when I heard that. It seems that I belong to the 5% of the population that hasn't formed a frontal sinus but to top it of my other sinusses are really really really tiny. I so hope that I can get that X-ray (I am a schooled radiology/nucleair medicine/echografic technologist) and put it in a frame or use it for study material for my students (what is wrong with this picture.... that would just be plain evil). Even my doctor was amazed and didn't know what to do with it. I just think it's hilarious ;). I am kind of happy about it because my father always had infections in his frontal sinus and I will never have to endure that!!!
Sorry but I am still smiling and laughing my ass off about this ;).
Sorry but I am still smiling and laughing my ass off about this ;).
Fly away pigeons, fly away!
The little ones aren't so little anymore. They are almost as big as their mother but still want and need her to feed them. I hope they will spread their wings soon because I want my balcony back!! They became really tame which is kind of funny but also a pain because I really don't want to see them back when they have flown away.
They are still no beauties but it has inproved a lot since the last time I posted about my chicklings.
My entire balcony is covered with pigeonpoo so I really want to clean it up when they leave (tips are welcome).
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