maandag 12 december 2011

What to do with midwinter

It is almost that special time of the year where I take a step back to enjoy the warmth of family and friends (okay, good food and wine too). I especially like the twelve days around midwinter. I can't celebrate it exactly the way I want because I live in a christian world and that would mean that I would have to celebrate it alone but I prefer the warmth of the seasoning so I always go back to my family. I always try to incorporate some of my believes into their christmas celebration (my family is non believing). I use those twelve days to reflect on my believes, which do I still stand for and what has changed this year in my life? Do I still feel the same connections with the Gods? What can I change so make myself a better person (no, I will never became Mother Theresa but I still can try sometimes to bring some good ;)). My spiritual path is a strange one that especially needs evaluation this year. Asatru is calling really badly but I don't want to fall for it without thinking and praying it over and that is really hard. I have fought for years to keep standing in the modern witchcraft/paganism and by changing directions so drastically I feel like that fight is going to start all over again.

A part that I especially like during this season is the tree. I like to decorate it and putting the lights in. This year I still haven't set up a tree because I don't know how to get one to my home ;). I hoped my parents would put one up for christmas but they don't want to do it because they think it is to much of a work :(. So probably I won't see a christmastree this year :(.

How do you celebrate christmas/midwinter/yule? And what is your favourite part?

4 opmerkingen:

  1. If Asatru is calling you so strongly, perhaps it's time to answer that call to see what the message is?

    I found this to be an excellent and informative interview:

    And this website is very nice!

    Of course, these are for American Asatru so that won't help you in the Netherlands...but it might be a good jumping off point.

    We celebrate a secular Christmas with Santa. Our family tradition is that Santa does a treasure hunt to find his pressies =-) The Solstice is pretty quiet, but this year Thadd is showing a bit more interest so maybe we'll observe it some how.

  2. Hi Cora!
    Thanks for your reaction, I found the websites really usefull. I started reading the Edda this week and it is really great, my only problem is all those long names ;) it feels like Lord of the Rings ;).

    The interview was especially helpfull because it gave me the insight that this is a path I can't walk entirely alone. So now I need to find out even more wath I want ;). Thanks!!!! If I ever can help you, let me know :).

  3. Glad to help!

    Curious if you've heard about this yet:

    Go to the second bullet point. I wonder if because of this sick moron if there will be ramifications for other Norse folks in Europe.

  4. Hi Cora!

    That didn't even make the news over here ;). There was a much larger masacre in Luik Belgium last week (by a muslim). So no, I don't think this will become a big problem. They will just think he was a total nutjob especially because he is talking about the northern ways (neo-nazi written all over).


I would love to hear from you!