Today I went to a spiritual market nearby my hometown. It was the biggest spiritual event in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourgh. I spend my time there with two of my close friends.
The market was fun. A lot of stands offering all kind of spiritual stuff. There were many cards (tarot and other) and other stuff like incense ( a LOT of incense) and even musical instruments!! A nice surprise to me where the stands about sjamanism. hey offered spirit shields, smudgers and dream catchers (yawn) I bought a beautiful feather smudger with a peacock feather (stands for pride and confidence), a leather rune pouch, some incense and a new simpler incense burner. Yes, I spend too much money.
There were also readings from paragnosts (some good, some bad) I had a really good one from a man and lady. The lady draws pictures for the person they do the reading for and together they explain and tell you what the problems on your path are and how you need to overcome those problems. They warned me that I needed to break down my walls and let people back into my life again or else I would become a hermit. They advised me to take babysteps and to trust myself. They sad that I am a wise person to whom people come with their questions (too true) and that I don't need to feel social awkward because people who bother to get to know me (learn my handguide) will see me for the person I am. It meant a lot to me because this is a major struggle I face daily that even got worse when I got sick.
To finish the day, I had my very first thai foot massage and I want one again!! It was so nice!! I really felt the pain disappear from my legs and feet after walking all day!
To top this day off, I got the news that young bunnies have been born and I will have mine soon!!!
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